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Confessions in times of war: Louma Rabah


Where are our cultural players in times of war, and what are they doing?

L'Agenda Culturel went to meet them, interview them and listen to their stories.


Louma Rabah, painter, lives in Beirut.


How are you doing?

In times of war, my heart aches for the innocent lives caught in the crossfire, and I find myself deeply worried about the destruction of my beautiful country. Despite these overwhelming feelings, I strive to remain busy and hold onto a sense of optimism. I believe that even in the darkest moments, hope can shine through, and I seek to channel my emotions into positive actions, supporting those around me while nurturing a resilient spirit.


What is your daily life like in a time of war?

In these difficult times, as I witness my country under attack, I make a conscious effort to stay engaged and productive. I go regularly to my studio in Achrafieh, where I paint to escape, even though the persistent sound of the drone linger in the background. To boost my spirits, I also go to the gym, as exercise has a remarkable way of uplifting the mood. With some extra time on my hands, I’ve taken up learning Greek, a new language that intrigues me. In the evenings, I love to prepare dinner for my friends, cherishing our gatherings at home as we support one another and strive to lift each other’s spirits.


How do you continue your artistic activity? 

I am consistently visiting my studio to paint as I prepare for my solo exhibition at Khawam Art Gallery in Abu Dhabi, scheduled for November 14th. I am working nonstop to complete everything on time, as I fear a potential airport closures and the concern that I may not be able to ship my artworks.


How do you see Lebanon's future?

I am optimistic about Lebanon's future. I believe the conflict will come to an end by the end of this year, and that 2025 will be a year of renewal for the country. With the unity and support of its people, Lebanon will rebuild and once again shine as a nation rich in culture and the arts.


To overcome the fear and anxiety, what do you suggest to our readers?

Books: I suggest light uplifting books “the Rosy project “ is a good example.

Movies: Funny movies are best in those days “A fish called wanda “ is a favourite

Music: Any kind of music that you like but play it very loud, so it could cover the sound of the (sound barrier) and the Drone noise .


Any last words?

Last I encourage everyone to seek the company of family and friends. Together, we are always stronger, offering essential moral and emotional support. This too shall pass, and our beloved Lebanon will rise again as it always did emerging stronger and better than ever.



Depuis 1994, l’Agenda Culturel est la source d’information culturelle au Liban.

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