Where are our cultural players in times of war, and what are they doing?
L'Agenda Culturel went to meet them, interview them and listen to their stories.
Mohamad Ali Osseiran, Art collector. Lives in Beirut
How are you doing?
I am well but with all that is happening around us how can one be well? I am all shaken up by the destruction and the spite that is implicated on us. At the same time, I have hope: in hope there is power to continue.
What is your daily life like in a time of war?
I try to retain a sense of normality in my daily life: I work out daily, and do some meditation and continue my physiotherapy to treat my weak shoulder .. otherwise I try to follow up business issues with my farmers whenever I can.
How do you continue your artistic activity?
I try to paint as often as I can in an attempt to drive my mind away from the gloom and into creativity.
I also call and check on my friends/artists almost daily, as a way to keep each other sane and afloat.
How do you see Lebanon's future?
I will forever see Lebanon's future bright, there is always sunshine after the rain. I completely believe in the image of the phoenix: our resurrection is inevitable.
To overcome the fear and anxiety, what do you suggest to our readers?
To control anxiety less news more exercise and more self-building
Books: Perfume by Peter Suskind, The Rock of Tanios by Amine Maalouf
Podcasts: Sarde after dinner especially with Charles Hayek
Music: My daughter playing piano in the evening, Pavarotti and some techno
A last word?
Quote:” If doors were to close again in thy face, tell thyself that it is not thy life which is ending, but only the first of thy lives, and that another one is impatient to begin.”
L'oeil « étranger»
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