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Confessions in times of war: Ribal Molaeb


Where are our cultural players in wartime and what are they doing?

L'Agenda Culturel went to meet them and interview them.


Ribal Molaeb painter and musician. Lives in Zürich.

How are you doing?

Regardless of any situation, I work everyday in order to be fine.


How are you coping with this news of the war in Lebanon?

The first 3 days of the air strikes on Beirut were especially heavy psychologically. I was going on stage to perform Mozart Viola and Violin concertante, having to smile, while watching the news at every possible moment during the day. Now, sadly things “normalize” as our nature is to adapt.


Has your artistic activity been affected?

I am not an artist who mirror the events of my time and if I would do, it wouldn’t be literal. I try to always self-reflect and dive inside.
This October, I started painting poppy flowers; Since World War 1, poppy flowers are used as symbol of remembrance for the people who died in the war.


How do you see Lebanon's future?

Continuously changing and in cycles. Change is inevitable, demographical, social, and political. We must be in peace with this fact. We should not fear change knowing that the Lebanon exists since thousands of years.


What would you suggest to our readers to help them overcome their fear?
Books: Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and maybe The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene for personal strength.
Series: I am not watching any currently.
Musical works: Go extreme, listen to Richard Wagner. Or behold our roots and listen to Wadih el Safi. You can be delusional with your music choices.
Podcasts: I personally listen to any podcast done with Robert Greene.


Any last words?

We are not the first, neither the last generation to face war. The Lebanese are creative, innovative and hard-skinned people. This will keep us going.





Depuis 1994, l’Agenda Culturel est la source d’information culturelle au Liban.

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