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Du 01/06/2023 à 17:00 jusqu'au 07/06/2023 à 17:00

We're thrilled to announce the opening of "Colors in Transition", a solo exhibition by the talented Nayla Kai Saroufim, on Thursday June 1st 2023 from 5 pm to 8 pm.

The exhibition takes the viewer on a journey across the different stages of life. Through a collection of installations, the show explores the complexity and beauty of human experiences, from the reckless playfulness of childhood to the pursuit of happiness and purpose in adulthood. Each phase is represented by a unique theme, capturing the emotions and struggles that accompany these transitions.

“Colors in Transition” offers a thought-provoking exploration of the different stages of life and the experiences that shape each individual.

The show will remain until June 7th 2023 every day from 11am to 8pm.

Part of the proceeds will go to support Rebirth Beirut’s initiatives.

LieuRebirth Beirut Space, Gemmayzeh

AdresseGemmayzeh, rue Gouraud, Imm Wakf el Roum


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