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Du 29/09/2022 à 00:00 jusqu'au 29/12/2022 à 00:00

Pioneering the art scene for decades, Galerie Janine Rubeiz, under the direction of Nadine Majdalani Begdache, has witnessed and documented the dramatic socio-political changes that have swept Beirut since 1993. From the post-civil war era, passing through more prosperous periods, to our current days, the artworks of countless Lebanese and international artists have adorned the walls of the gallery, engaging the public, provoking discussions, and serving as loud and unbiased testimonials to major events.

For its 30th anniversary, Galerie Janine Rubeiz is pleased to launch “Encounters 2023”, an initiative that is a form of cross-historical dialogue between past and present creations. It will highlight key moments from previous exhibitions, with artworks and content that remain relevant to our present day.

To celebrate this milestone, the gallery is launching a juried open call, aimed at emerging talents, for proposals drawing inspiration from significant and intriguing creations by Etel Adnan, Shafic Abboud, Yvette Achkar, Huguette Caland, Joseph Chahfé, Bassam Geitani, Laure Ghorayeb, Joanna Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige, Joseph Harb, Lamia Joreige, Samir Khaddaje, Ibrahim Marzouk, Jamil Molaeb, Zad Moultaka, Aref El Rayess, Antonio Segui, and Hanibal Srouji.


Mission and Vision:

In order to secure an incubating environment for all forms of visual arts, Galerie Janine Rubeiz, through this project, aims at putting forward new talents and shedding light on promising emerging artists. This project also aims at establishing a cross-generational collective exhibition, encouraging creativity, art-making, and the accessibility of culture to all.


The Call for Artists:

Galerie Janine Rubeiz invites applicants, preferably working with new media, seeking audience expansion, critical discussion, and community connection, to choose one artwork from a selection of pioneering artists, which resonates with them, to create their own in response.

Click here to view the complete list of artworks.

Interested applicants are asked to send their proposal highlighting their intentional approach to the theme, with supporting visual materials to be reviewed by the selection jury, alongside a statement describing their specific interest in the project.


Eligible Participants:

- Lebanese creatives at the early stages of their career, regardless of age or educational background, residing in or outside of Lebanon.

- Creatives of all nationalities, residing in Lebanon, and at the early stages of their career, regardless of age or educational background.

- Group projects are admissible.


Submission Requirements:

- A biography, a CV and a portfolio (if available) of the participant /collective.

- A letter of motivation highlighting the reasons and ties with the selected artwork and its theme.

- An artwork proposal and early draft samples.

- Any other material deemed relevant (photos, videos, texts, sketches …)

- Proposals may be presented in Arabic, English, or French.

- The proposed artworks must not have been exhibited before.

Proposals should be submitted by 29 December 2022.


Mediums Accepted:

- New media (digital art, interactive art, internet art, virtual art, and computer animation)

- Performance art

- Photography

- Installation / Sculpture

- Short films and videos

- Painting / Drawing

- Literature

- Interdisciplinary arts

- Sound art


Selection Criteria:

Selection of the participants will be made according to:

- The originality and relevance of the proposal.

- Artistic discipline (new media and performance arts are encouraged).

- Budgetary and logistical feasibility of the project.




Applications will only be accepted by email to,

Subject line: “Encounters 2023 / Proposal”.

For clarifications on the guidelines or other inquiries, please contact
Subject line: “Encounters 2023 / Inquiry”.

This project is conceptualized and curated by Manar Ali Hassan.


Collective - by Etel Adnan | Hanibal Srouji | Huguette El Khoury Caland | Jamil Molaeb | Joseph Chahfe | Joseph Harb | Laure Ghorayeb | Yvette Achkar


LieuGalerie Janine Rubeiz

AdresseRaouché, 1st Avenue, Charles de Gaulle, Imm MajdalaniGéolocalisation


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