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Du 21/09/2023 à 19:30 jusqu'au 01/10/2023 à 19:30

Coming Back to Beirut after Europe!


BEHOLD! Halim, the Hakawati – a storyteller for the ages! SILENCE! Never mind you have never heard of him… HE is indeed the most famous Hakawati in the world… You’re just going to have to trust him on this! SADNESS!

Halim pities you should you miss this opportunity to witness his telling of tales from the legendary Kitab Al-Hikayat - The Book of Stories!

Attend other shows at your own PERIL! :)


Performed by Raffi Feghali

Directed by Stephen Kearin


“All alone, yet with all of them”

Halim Al-Hakawati is a solo improv show that was experimented with in Riga, Latvia in February of 2018 and later performed once again during the same tour. After the imposed break of a couple of years (remember COVID-19?), Stephen Kearin came in as the director. The new and upgraded version of the show premiered at Welcome! 2023 Improv Festival in Rome in May 2023.


Tickets available at Antoine Ticketing


LieuThéâtre Monnot, ACT

Adresserue de l'université St Joseph

PRIX12$ ; 20$



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