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Du 14/10/2023 à 00:00 jusqu'au 15/10/2023 à 00:00

The four-day workshop will begin with a walking tour of our neighbourhood with French architect-restorer Etienne Coppé, looking at the various layers of architectural heritage in Nasra and Furn el Hayek. We will return to Takeover, where Christine Safatly will introduce us to her work and how she mixes different mediums using both traditional and unexpected materials.

The following days participants will be invited to work with sketching and photo collage, while slowly introducing various media into their visual experiments such as pencil, charcoal, pastel, paint, tape and found materials. 


To join the walking tour, please register here


This workshop is free of charge thanks to the support of BERYT and IFPO.



Christine Safatly is a visual artist from Minieh, now living and working in Beirut. She received her Masters in Fine Arts from the Lebanese University in 2018 where she specialised in painting, drawing and sculpture. She is an Ashkal Alwan’s Home Workspace Program alumni, and has been exhibited in the 12th Berlin Biennale, Beirut Art Center and with Art Design Lebanon.


Étienne Coppé is a French architect-restorer who graduated from Grenoble Architectural School and Chaillot Heritage School. He specialised in heritage architecture and environmental design, managing construction sites and various projects across France, Italy, Algeria and Lebanon for over a decade.



Depuis 1994, l’Agenda Culturel est la source d’information culturelle au Liban.

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