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Du 18/05/2023 à 18:00 jusqu'au 29/05/2023 à 18:00

Mauricio Yazbek (Maouy), Brazilian-Lebanese, debut solo exhibition in Zico's House is based on his body of work done this past year in Lebanon. It's a mishmash of his experiences throughout 3 different art residencies. From the " Plastic Age Collapse " last 2022 summer, when huge installations were placed at Macam old factory facilities. In Mansion he showed a theatre installation experience on "No Such Thing as Free Will" during Bah Festival, and now presents fourteen fresh new oil paintings made in Hostel
Beirut, for Zico's House audience.


The artist doesn't wanna bother people with long non comprehensive pretentious "B@#S" texts... so he uses cynicism, metaphors, irony and sarcasm as his main media. The physical
part or either called "body of work" is just an extension of his
thoughts on social psychoanalysis. He is also learning how to
teach poetry to robots.

You are more than welcome, and feel extremely free to have your
own immersive experience.


 Written by: Chat GPT-4 .
(none curators were harmed during this process).

* Consider being the artist Collector or either being a
"Collector Guardian", (ask the artist how). How? Ask him!!

Thanks to: Zico, Ana Bogner, Farah Azrak, Karam Saad, Rami
Charrrine, Hiske Heeres, Chaddy Azar, Hostel Beirut, Mansion
and Macam.

LieuZico House

AdresseSanayeh, rue SpearsGéolocalisation


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