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CATAPULT.body | the micro-forum


Du 04/03/2022 à 00:00 jusqu'au 05/03/2022 à 00:00

“Imagine stepping out of survival mode. Imagine feeling like you’re not on your own. Imagine working without anxieties creeping up between projects. Imagine making decisions today while thinking of a decade from now - or even better, of the next generation.” 

That’s sustainability. 

Between the magnitude of the crises we are enduring and the inherited practices and infrastructures of short-term thinking, it is crucial that we (re)investigate what sustainability of dance could look like today, tomorrow, and in the future.

Yaraqa and British Council Lebanon have partnered up to create a space for professionals in dance & movement + other industries (health, design, technology and more) to come together and challenge the practices & assumptions of moving forward during hard-to-predict times.

We invite you to take part in a thought-provoking program, full of multifaceted debates and interactive sessions - to explore different perspectives and ask questions. We are not only interested in information & insights, but also in active participation, sharing, and connecting. 

DAY 1 / Online
Friday March 04, 2022 - 15:00 - 19:00 (GMT +2) 

• on Airmeet social webinar platform 

• open to a limited number of dance & movement professionals working in Lebanon, UK & beyond

DAY 2 / In-person 

Saturday March 05, 2022 - 10:30 - 17:30 (GMT +2) 

• at Mina Image Center, Beirut-Lebanon 

• open to a limited number of dance & movement professionals [exclusively] working in Lebanon



CATAPULT.body | the micro-forum is free of charge with a limited capacity. So in order to ensure that the participatory experience of this pilot program is optimized for everyone involved, we are looking to form a broad group of professionals with diverse:

• backgrounds (from performers, choreographers, producers, …) 

• genres (hip hop, ballet, contemporary, folklore, …) 

• levels of expertise (student, emerging, established, …)

LieuMina Image Center

AdresseBeirut, Port, rue Darwish Haddad, Imm Stone Gardens


Depuis 1994, l’Agenda Culturel est la source d’information culturelle au Liban.

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