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Developing your music career

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06/12/2019 à 15:00

The music industry is a complex, ever-changing mix of business models. Musicians, managers, bookers and producers are entrepreneurs, whether they promote their own music or pursue professional career as players, composers, or engineers; or create products and services for others. Today's actors of the music industry need a strong foundation of broad business skills.


Objective: In this 3 days workshop the participants will learn how to develop a professional career in the music field. The workshop will be covering the following questions:

What does it mean to be a musician today? What are the opportunities? How to manage your career? What are the benefits of live performances? How to handle promotion and communication?


Biography: Mounir Kabbaj is the co-founder of Ginger Sounds, a Paris based company specialized in management and booking of artists from the Middle East and Africa.

Vice-president of the “Zone Franche” Network in France, Kabbaj also develops training and masterclasses in different countries.


This workshop is free of charge. If you wish to participate please register by sending an email to

LieuGrand Meshmosh Hotel

AdresseMar MikhayelGéolocalisation




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