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14/07/2022 à 20:00

Elio Chaghoury will be performing his first live concert & pre album release "Division" that going to take place at Zico House (Beirut)




A word Never Written


Born in 1995, Elio Chaghoury is a multidisciplinary artist based in Beirut who experiments with sound, music, installation and paint.  His use of abstract form and calligraphy is a form of his self-exploration, expression and understanding of the world around him.

Through a period of self-isolation, Elio explored and connected with his inner-most feelings and experiences. Away from all social

interactions, a challenging endeavor,  a liberating opportunity to grow and introspect. He went back to the primitive means of communication and self-exploration: symbols and


This language which crosses all boundaries of cultures and times, was a way Elio felt connected to a deeper emotional level of communication.


Elio’s approach to abstract calligraphy is by distorting and deconstructing the shapes and forms of human-written letters, in which he was able to create new and exciting visual languages that challenge the viewer's perception of what abstract calligraphy can be.

The resulting compositions is both beautiful and thought-provoking, as he often blurs the line between

language and visual art. Overall, the abstraction of human origin

calligraphy offered a fresh and exciting perspective on a timeless art form, and continued to captivate and inspire both him and viewers alike.


Artist statement:


" Painting has returned to its origins to an era beyond language, a

mysterious world that can only be expressed in abstract symbols and images"

LieuZico House

AdresseSanayeh, rue SpearsGéolocalisation

PRIX100.000 LL



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