ArtDu 06/06/2023 à 18:00 jusqu'au 20/06/2023 à 18:00
What are the forces and systems that control us and have eternally recurred in different forms ?
What are the consequences of repetition ?
Come think with us.
Artist Bio :
Gaia Maria Noujeim
B. 1992, is a Lebanese artist based in Beirut.
Gaia acquired her Master’s degree in 2020 holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from 2018, both from the Lebanese University Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture II.
Her artworks revolve around the human
conditioning by social, political and emotional influence. She believes that art is a way to question or challenge accustomed behaviour whether personal or social, elevating reality to a better future. Moreover, art is an effective method of transmission of information, so through a wave or movement in art, a civil change may take place. This is why she is an active member in minalshaab working to reintegrate art and culture in order to create a Lebanese cultural identity as well as a Lebanese revolution of thoughts.