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Going On... To the new beginnings

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01/10/2020 à 17:00


Souk El Tayeb's New Home Opens its Doors in the Heart of Mar Mikhael
In the aftermath of August 4th and in the spirit of GOING ON, Souk El Tayeb welcomes you to the opening of its new home… one roof that will bring together Souk El Tayeb - the Farmers’ Market, Tawlet, Dekenet, and the introduction of the new Community Kitchen, Matbakh El Kell.

Join us for the opening on Thursday, October 1st from 5PM- 8PM. 

The new home of Souk El Tayeb is in the heart of Mar Mikhael, a move to bring life to the disaster area - and set in the old SEAT car showroom and garage that has been rebuilt.

Meet your favorite farmers and producers at the Farmers’ market… have a tasting at Tawlet… discover the new set up of Dekenet… and meet our new Matbakh el Kell, the community kitchen, committed to producing hundreds of free meals daily. 

“We are coming into the center, the heart of Mar Mikhael, and we are here to stay,” said Souk El Tayeb founder Kamal Mouzawak. “We are bringing life where death was. Instead of dispersing, we came closer to the center of the disaster.”

The August 4th port explosion brought terror, death and destruction… but the only way was forward... and the possible part was GOING ON. 

In less than two months, with the support of a local and international fundraiser, and the determination of Souk El Tayeb’s family to go on, Souk El Tayeb now has an official home for all its operations. 

In the days following the blast, Souk El Tayeb transformed Tawlet Beirut into an emergency kitchen operation with the support of World Central Kitchen. Through these combined efforts, over 50,000 warm meals were prepared for aid workers, volunteers, hospital staff, neighbors, and families in need. This work led to the creation of Matbakh El Kell, a permanent community kitchen, a new addition to Souk El Tayeb, which will begin operations on October 1st and continue to feed those in need. 

“Our crisis is not yet over. We must continue to serve our communities, in times of crisis and in times of peace.” Mouzawak said. 

Welcome Event: Thursday October 1st, from 5-8 PM

For more information about this event and Souk El Tayeb, please contact or +961 71 645 227


LieuSouk el Tayeb

AdresseMar MikhaelGéolocalisation
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