ArtDu 09/12/2022 à 00:00 jusqu'au 11/12/2022 à 00:00
Salon Beyrouth is happy to announce that its holiday market Cabinet of Curiosities is here again with:
Zenobie - Stationary & Homeware @zenobie
Hala Khodary - Artisan Chocolate @chocolatfee
Pink Henna - Vintage jewelry & objects @pinkhennabeirut
Savvy elements - Homecare & Beauty @savvyelement__
Bookyard - Second Hand Books @bookyard_
Dar Onboz - Childrens books @daronboz
Karim Sakr - Photography @beirut_streets
Ahmed Amer - Clothes - illustrations @ahmedamerofficial
Rad Cat - Home Decor @itsradcat
Exil - Home Decor @exilcollective
Dodo les bobos - Kids accessories @dodolesbobos
Pawfect - Natural Foods for Pets @pawfectfamily
Fabric Studio - Tableware @fabriqtextilestudio
Fleur du Liban - Dried Flowers & Wreaths @fleursduliban
Vintage Something - Vintage sportswear and accessories @vintage_something
Ferdinand - Organic Wear - benefits for rescue animals @100.ferdinand
A forest fruit - Forest fruits in chocolate @aforestfruitinbeirut