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I Hate Theater I Love Pornography


Du 10/12/2020 à 20:00 jusqu'au 12/12/2020 à 20:00

A ride through the hottest stories from the middle east, catered and served specifically to satisfy the needs and expectations of our beloved English-speaking audiences.


“I Hate Theater I Love Pornography” is an investigation on current forms of corruption plaguing today’s world. It uses theatricality as a tool to question how we position ourselves as artists and as individuals with regards to the multiple representations of this corruption.

The past few years have witnessed the majority of citizens of countries in the northern hemisphere becoming more and more afraid of cultural difference, electing extreme right-wing leaders and voting for exclusionist policies, for the prospect of being safe from “The Other”. While most of the South continues to be torn by wars, destroying infrastructures and wiping out whole cultures, with real-estate businessmen waiting like scavengers for the right moment to sell and re-build. As the death of children continues to be bartered for profit, we ask ourselves how can we as theatre makers position ourselves in the middle of the obscenity of this political opportunism.


Today these same power-thirsty policy makers, war-lords and businessmen, are setting the new paradigms of the world’s system of values… exclusion, marginalization, segregation, displacement, murder… specifying the worth of human bodies, through commodities, wars, and the media. In an era when people are brutally massacred and decapitated, and their deaths are broadcasted on daily news, while heroes in Hollywood zombie movies are systematically obliterating masses of the undead on television; this performance attempts to shed the light on this corruption through the value we assign to our bodies, creating a parallelism between the performative body, the pornographic body and the corpse.


Language: English

Duration: 60 minutes


LieuThéatre Al Madina





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