It is just a poem, Shawki Youssef with Josef Issaoui
ArtDu 21/03/2022 à 17:00 jusqu'au 31/03/2022 à 17:00
"Art is not violent, life is"
Francis Bacon
In its conception time, 12 years ago, the work shown here was perceived -in a narrowing way- as violent, as an unnecessary disturbance of the " joie de vivre" in a Lebanese simili-great moment.
Studio visitors wondered about the source of mutilation and psychological pain "you're a nice, joyful guy, where does it come from?"
Now that the intestines of the city are bare out, here are mine.
The work converses with Joseph Issaoui's poetry, once he've been with them , drawings brought back poems written in parallel times, and maybe with parallel concerns. The conversation went on: verses were 'tattooed' on the canvas "skin" in March 2022.