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Letter to the Father, Chaza Charaffedine


Du 10/11/2021 à 15:00 jusqu'au 10/12/2021 à 15:00

We are re-opening our doors after a long summer hiatus with the exhibition “Letter to the Father” by Chaza Charaffedine. Come join us on Wednesday 10th November from 3-7pm for the opening. The exhibition will run for a month.


In Letter to the Father, Chaza Charafeddine copies in her own handwriting Franz Kafka’s letter to his father, a letter that never reached him. In an attempt to write to her father, the artist subverts the original German letter, copies it in Arabic and presents it in different forms.

In either language, the artist’s letters are inaccessible due to her aesthetic choice to copy them in minute size on a single sheet of paper. Reminiscent of Islamic manuscript layout design, the letters reveal the artist’s interest in appropriating visual elements from the past.


LieuMina Image Center

AdresseBeirut, Port, rue Darwish Haddad, Imm Stone Gardens


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