LIVE from the Dystopia
Musique27/05/2022 à 19:30
Hosted by onomatopoeia - the music hub
► Karl Bourj/ Guitar, Synths, Grooveboxes
An exhilarating show that combines electronic, indie, and vocal samples to create a false nostalgia of a future that never existed.
Karl Bourj is releasing his debut album “Distorted Notions.” The album is an experimental, innate piece that pays tribute to the humans of Lebanon who are swimming along the current, accompanied by the sound of waves as they fold and unfold. The second track “If We Swim in the Same Sea” is released as a single and it consists of “voice notes between people who are in Lebanon and people abroad...a sample of what most Lebanese people have to go through because of the lack of a functioning government.”
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LieuOnomatopoeia The Music Hub (Sioufi)