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Du 04/05/2023 à 17:00 jusqu'au 04/06/2023 à 17:00

What if you can hear Darwich painting in notes and not only see the painting? A musical piece inspired by Raouf Rifaï’ s “Darwich Abou El Chanab” Painting, Composed by Nicolas j. Chaanine.


Beirut, Lebanon. (May 4, 2023 / 5:00 pm) – Nadine Fayad Art Gallery presents for the first time “HARMONIZING COLORS”. A new concept exhibition of Raouf Rifaï’s artworks, combining the composer Nicolas j. Chaanine with a live performance for a unique piece.


The painting "Darwich Abou El Chanab" by Raouf Rifai is a vibrant and captivating piece, depicting a Darwich character in traditional tarbouch, painted against a bright yellow background with thick black mustaches. The use of horizontal strokes to blend the colors emphasizes the movement of the Darwich and adds a sense of dynamism and energy to the painting.


In Nicolas Chaanine's composition inspired by the artwork, the movement and harmony in the sounds are reminiscent of the brushstrokes and colors in Rifai's painting. The musical composition is a perfect complement to the artwork, as it captures the essence and emotions of the painting in a completely new way.


Each element of the painting is brilliantly represented by an instrument in the composition, creating a seamless fusion of visual and auditory art. The deep, resonating notes of the cello mirror the bold, sweeping strokes of the brush, conveying the same sense of movement and emotion.


In conclusion, the combination of Rifai's painting "Darwich Abou El Chanab" and Chaanine’s musical composition is a breathtaking example of the power of art to inspire and evoke emotion.


The harmonious fusion of colors, brushstrokes, and musical notes is a testament to the beauty of art in all its forms. The result is a stunning and immersive sensory experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who have the opportunity to witness it.

LieuNadine Fayad Art Gallery

AdresseAshrafieh,Tabaris Chehadé St.
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