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Vernissage: 12/04/2024 à 00:00

Du 12/04/2024 à 20:00 jusqu'au 21/04/2024 à 23:00

vendredi 12 avril, 20h00

AJALTOUN | Church of Mar Zakhia

Vincent De Pol (Germany / Poland), pipe organ

In collaboration with the German Embassy in Lebanon


samedi 13 avril, 18h00

KHIRBET QANAFAR (West Beqaa) | Johann Ludwig Schneller School

Film-concert Der Galiläer (The Galilean, 1921) with organ improvisation

Mathias Rehfeldt (Germany), pipe organ and live musical commentary


dimanche 14 avril, 12h00

BEIRUT | National Evangelical Church

Vincent De Pol (Germany / Poland), pipe organ

In collaboration with the German Embassy in Lebanon


dimanche 14 avril, 20h00

MAYSSRAH (Nahr Ibrahim) | Church of St. Elie – Carmelite monastery

Film-concert Der Galiläer (The Galilean, 1921) with organ improvisation

Mathias Rehfeldt (Germany), pipe organ and live musical commentary


mardi 16 avril, 20h00

BEIRUT | American University of Beirut (AUB) Assembly Hall

Cross-art concert with Mario Mariani (Italy), piano and pipe organ

Rudy Rahme (Lebanon), live painting and poetry

In collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute


mercredi 17 avril, 20h00

BEIRUT (Gemmaizeh) | Church of St. Maroun

Ensemble Recercare

Mario Rahi (Lebanon), violin

Paolo De Matthaeis (Italy), organ

Fabio Catania (Italy), viola da gamba

In collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute


jeudi 18 avril, 19h00

TRIPOLI (El Mina) | Latin Church of St. Francis – Custody of the Holy Land

Ensemble Recercare

Mario Rahi (Lebanon), violin

Paolo De Matthaeis (Italy), organ

Fabio Catania (Italy), viola da gamba

In collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute


vendredi 19 avril, 20h00

BEIRUT (Downtown) | Saint Louis Latin Cathedral of the Capuchin Fathers

Inaugural concert for the new pipe organ

Aarón Ribas (Spain), pipe organ

Lebanese Philharmonic Orchestra

Garo Avessian (Lebanon), conductor

In collaboration with the Embassy of Spain in Lebanon


samedi 20 avril, 20h00

ZOUK MOSBEH | Church of Notre Dame de Louaizeh – OMM

Les Solistes de Beyrouth, vocal ensemble

Fernando Afara (Lebanon), conductor

Paolo De Matthaeis (Italy), pipe organ

In collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute


dimanche 21 avril, 11h00

TYRE | Latin Church of St. Anthony – Custody of the Holy Land

Ensemble Recercare

Mario Rahi (Lebanon), violin

Paolo De Matthaeis (Italy), pipe organ

Fabio Catania (Italy), viola da gamba



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