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The Hand that Prints


Du 04/12/2020 à 19:00 jusqu'au 31/12/2020 à 19:00

Beirut Printmaking Studio, in partnership with Artlab Gallery, presents an exhibition dedicated to printmaking in its many techniques.  

This exhibition grew from an initiative taken by Sabine Delahaut and Jean-Michel Uyttersprot, printmakers based in France and Belgium, who organized an exhibition by the artists of our studio at the Journey de l’Estampe at Saint Sulpice. 


Many artists from Europe and from around the world engaged and sent one of their prints in support of this event. In fact, an overwhelming 180 prints were received.  Twenty five prints from this lot were curated for this exhibition as a tribute to all of these artists and to the quality of their work.  

The works shown range from woodcuts, linocuts, lithographies, engravings, and intaglio.  The show runs for three weeks.





AdresseGemmayzé, rue Gouraud, 1804, imm RmeilGéolocalisation

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