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Imagined Certainty, Sara Chaar


Du 10/06/2021 à 00:00 jusqu'au 10/07/2021 à 00:00

Reading into the works of Sara Chaar is like jumping head on into a rumbling stream of consciousness, inhabited by insect-like creatures created with instinctual marks transferring her impulses and feelings directly onto the piece.

The process is a cycle of constructing, deconstructing and reconstructing, echoing the never-ending story of Beirut. 


With construction tools, she accumulates layers of paint and material that work as a foundation that she later on scratches through with screwdrivers, cutters and palette knives, instinctively forcing out transformations and translations of her encounters with sounds and sights.


She is interested in breaking or erasing the often somber color range on the surface of her works revealing broken up references of soil and land, referencing a sense of being rooted or belonging.


Born in Miami Florida Sara is a Visual Artist whose practice spans drawing, painting and video art. She has participated in several collective exhibitions in Lebanon, Copenhagen, and Canada including her upcoming participation in the collective “Lumiere du Liban” at the Institute du Monde Arabe in Paris.



Pour en savoir plus, lire SARA CHAAR : SES DIALOGUES AVEC LA TOILE

LieuArt on 56th

AdresseGemmayzé, rue principaleGéolocalisation


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