L’artiste Layla Dagher a été sélectionnée pour le salon d’automne 2020 de Paris. Sur 5000 candidatures, l’artiste a été retenue parmi 915 artistes.
Vous pouvez « visiter » le salon d’automne ici.
Layla Dagher est née à Beyrouth. Elle a étudié à l'ALBA (académie libanaise des beaux-arts) et a obtenu son diplôme en arts visuels avec mention. Elle enseigne les Beaux-Arts dans plusieurs écoles.
Elle a participé à de nombreuses expositions internationales et locales, individuelles et collectives, biennales et salons, dont le salon d’Automne Sursock 1994 et le salon d’Automne Paris 2020.Ses peintures font partie des collections du ministère libanais de la culture. Elle est membre du Syndicat des artistes libanais.
Ses travaux les plus récents étudient la relation entre les villes et les humains. Les villes sont le produit d'une interaction continue entre les individus et leur environnement. Les villes nous définissent, façonnent nos perspectives, notre style de vie. À travers des formes figuratives, expressionnistes et abstraites, elle utilise divers médiums et couleurs vibrantes pour combiner paysage urbain, figures et nature morte.
A propos de sa sélection, l’artiste a dit :
“I have been interested in art my entire life. I began painting since I was young. To me it is a language, an expression, interpretation and response to the world around us.
My recent work explores the city-human relationship. How cities can modify our everyday life, our lifestyle and our behavior. We are all parts of our cities, we identify with it. We became part of it and we contribute to its identity. My inspirations are first and foremost everything I see, I live and experience. I capture the beauty all around us, I look out the window to seek the color, the different blues in the sky, the greens in the trees, the red, the yellow in the streets.
In my work I use bright and vibrant colors to revoke emotional feelings. Through my figurative paintings I try to depict the interaction between the inner and the outer world.
I am in constant need of exploration for colors, mediums and composition to finish a work of art. I am diverse in my selection of materials and techniques, giving myself opportunities to create something that will generate a feeling inside viewers. However, I am most attracted to acrylic and oil pastel. Every artwork is built from multiple layers of acrylics and pastels with the goal of creating an interplay of textures, reflectivity and colors. Sometimes I make collages and then paint on top of them on canvas or wood support.
My paintings are a depiction of my inner soul and feelings. I strongly believe in allowing my creative passion, imagination to be expressed in my work. The artists I have been most influenced by, are Henry Matisse and Van Gogh.
I am currently a featured artist at Carré d’aristes Beirut and my artwork has been exhibited lately at Salon d’Automne Paris, as well as various online platforms.
At the Salon de Paris 2020, there were 5000 applications, 915 have been selected, I am very proud to be among the selected artists and very honored to be part of the Salon d’Automne Paris 2020.

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