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Du 08/06/2023 à 18:00 jusqu'au 01/07/2023 à 18:00

Art on 56th is pleased to announce "Le Corbeau et le Regard: Beyrouth en Motifs II", a solo exhibition of works by Lebanese artist Dyala KHODARY 


Rooted in urban exploration, the paintings are snapshots of Beirut, capturing its unique architecture that blends the old with the new, the functional with the aesthetic, the authentic with the cosmetic.

In this series of artworks, Khodary experiments with depictions of cityscapes, setting the compositions at angular perspectives in order to play with perceptions of place and time. Although the canvases are devoid of any human presence, they recall inhabited locations, thus capturing hints of passing life. As such, the paintings are as unsettling as they are fascinating and constitute a unique tribute to the real Beirut.


The title of the solo recalls the famous fable of Jean de la Fontaine, Le Corbeau et le Renard, a tale of wisdom and humility. The artist transforms this tale into a visual narrative surrounding the architecture of Beirut, a city of contradictions. She focuses primarily on two architectural features:

*The corbel (corbeau), a structure that supports the balcony opening and promotes access to the outside, a testament to traditional Lebanese architecture.


*The manhole (regard), a covered opening on the road, that promotes access to what lies beneath. Imbued with metaphors, the corbel symbolizes the will to move onwards and upwards, and the manhole epitomizes hope, as well as the possibility to escape even when at an all-time low.

The artist highlights the charm in these urban visions, where heritage becomes ephemeral and beauty can be found in even the most unexpected places. As an homage to the dwindling and remnant markers of Lebanon’s Golden Age, Khodary’s paintings immortalize a city in change, juxtaposing crumbling patrimony with modern evolution.


LieuArt on 56th

AdresseGemmayzé, rue principaleGéolocalisation


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