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Du 27/06/2023 à 00:00 jusqu'au 07/07/2023 à 00:00

‘Art on Board’, a selection of seminal works by Willy Aractingi


Artscoops is delighted to announce a show of works by Willy Aractingi,

the renowned Lebanese artist who passed away twenty years ago.


Titled ‘Art on Board’, the show will run at Artscoops space, Beirut

from 27 June to 7 July, 2023.


The show features 16 seminal paintings depicting the fables of the French poet Jean de La Fontaine, Aractingi’s biggest and best-known oeuvre. 

The series was completed in 1989 while Aractingi was living in France.

These paintings were also selected by the country’s national airline, Air France, and featured on the front cover of the airline’s in-flight menus, with La Fontaine’s accompanying words reproduced on the back.


The artist’s daughter, Mrs. June Aractingi Nabaa, will give an informal talk on her father’s work at the opening reception, which will take place 

at 6 pm on June 27.


Art on Board’ will also include an online auction for two paintings by Aractingi, which will be held over July 3 - 4, 2023. 


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AdresseMichel Chiha street Mexico street Mina Building 3rd floor, BeirutGéolocalisation


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