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Food for the soul

27/11/2019|Mariam Labban

Earl of Sandwich

Legend has it

Born out of laziness and necessity 

You ordered a ham between two slices of bread 

If only you knew the glory of your creation

Now out of hunger and starvation

Bad equality and desperation 

We the Lebanese people are in stagnation 

Cornered stuck between death and sublimation

Which choice will prevail and offer salvation


Earl of Sandwich

An earldom is a meager appreciation 

A duckedom more in consideration

For the services you provided the nation

We the Lebanese people on the verge of initiation

Into a role of dying on the cross or living our aspiration


Earl of Sandwich

I know how gloomy is our situation

We took to the streets out of retaliation 

Yet I cannot but hope in a new generation

Vascilating between striving or resignation 

With no clear cut decision


Photo : Hoda Kerbage




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