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'Land For All', Tania Kassis


This song was produced in collaboration with the United Nations Information Center in Beirut (UNIC Beirut).


Lyrics: Tania Kassis

Music & Arrangement: Michel Fadel

Adaptation: O Fortuna, Carmina Burana - Carl Orff

Performed by the Kiev Philharmonic Orchestra Conducted by Vladimir Sirenko

Choir Singers & Dancers: Tania Kassis Academ

Choreographer: Hadi Awada

Mix & Mastering: Eddy Jazra Studios

Music Coordinator: Johnny Fenianos



We have been trying so hard

but the world is still in agony over wars and destruction

Bullet shots, storming shells, people are falling…

Racism, Terrorism, more people are falling
Men, women and children, are falling falling and falling… 


In the tears of a child, I forgot who I was

And I walked miles and miles to stand by your side

This Land is for all, it is for you and me

Let us share the love and live in harmony

If we sing with one voice together hand in hand

Then we can change the world. Together, we can!


This land is for all let's live in harmony

Peace for us all to save humanity!


Open wide your arms
To the weak and the poor

Give with all your heart

Compassion, Brotherhood

Save their spirits and their lives

Calm their pain, protect their rights

I'll do it just like you

Together it will come true


This land is for all let's live in harmony

Peace for us all to save humanity!


PR Agent: Luxury Limited Edition

Digital Distribution: @WATARY 



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