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Meet the influencers: Mira Hasbini


Mira Hasbini, thekoolmom 



How are you living your lockdown?

Like everyone else, I’m home most of the time with the kids! Toufic does some homework, Lynn some activities sent from her nursery. I spend a lot of time searching for new recipes! And then a lot of time in the kitchen trying them (always regret it). Thank god for screens and Netflix! And every day, we go for a calm walk around the house and come back to have dinner (the kids) and dodo!


From your active life, what do you miss the most?

Nothing other than routine! I want my routine back! I’m fed up getting up every day without a routine!


What don't you miss?

I don’t miss my husband leaving us every week because of his work abroad! I enjoyed this quarantine all of us together 24/7


How do you think life will be after Corona?

I think some things will never go back to normal! There’s a lot of things we Lebanese do like those 3 kisses, those endless hugs… I think those will change and I’m not happy about it!!!


A word of encouragement to our readers

This is not the first pandemic!! Our ancestors survived much, much worse! We’ll get through this! What doesn’t kill you makes your stronger!



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