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Meet the influencers: Tatiana Noujaim


Tatiana Noujaim, Beauty reviewer



How are you living your lockdown?

Coming from a person who used to go out everyday, to someone who is confined for almost 8 weeks now, I honestly got used to it. I feel I needed this mental and physical break.

My days are passing by really fast; I wake up everyday, work for about 5h per day, as I am a marketing coordinator at PUMA Lebanon. Then, I have some fun with my mother in the kitchen! Cooked lunch for the family couple of times also. I finally got myself to workout out everyday, focusing on yoga, through facetime with my friends for extra motivation.

Later at night is family time, something I didn’t used to do much, but now we enjoy watching series or a movie together and it’s been great!


From your active life, what do you miss the most?

I miss going out, seeing and hugging my friends, I miss our dinners and drinks night.

I miss going out with no restriction, and no curfew. And what I miss the most are the people abroad especially my brother, who won’t be able to make it anytime soon to Lebanon.


What don't you miss?

I don’t miss the traffic and our fast-paced life.


How do you think life will be after Corona?

In my opinion, Corona was a lesson for all of us. Many people, including me will learn to appreciate the little things in life. Our priorities and behavior will be different as well as our daily lifestyle.

Hopefully after this nothing will be taken for granted, not even a roof, a home, family, friends or jobs!


A word of encouragement to our readers

“It will all be better by tomorrow.”

A motto in life to always remember to stay strong and never collapse or feel depressed from any problem we face.

Try to make the best of this pandemic, spend more time with your family or enjoy this break!


What are your future projects?

I have many projects to work on that will hopefully be ready by this year so I can finally share them with you.



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