THE MILLELI NEW YORK AWARD “Dr. Jinane Chaker Sultani Milleli Award in Literature, New York”
In virtue of the enormous effect, Dr. Jinane Chaker Sultani Milleli’s article’s “A L’OUEST C’ÉTAIT LES MUSULMANS, À L’EST C’ÉTAIT LES CHRÉTIENS. COMBIEN DE FOIS J’AI ÉCHAPPÉ À CE CONTRÔLE D’IDENTITÉ ! J’AI APPRIS À VIVRE AVEC LA PEUR AU VENTRE. DE LA GUERRE À LA SURVIE, LE TRAUMATISME EST RESTÉ ENFOUI EN NOUS” had on the masses in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, the Editorial Board of STARS illustrated magazine, New York, on 8/1/2021, has unanimously voted to create the official “Dr. Jinane Chaker Sultani Milleli Award in Literature, New York”. The Milleli’s Award shall be annually granted to the author of a literary work, including an article, an essay, a documentary, and/or a reportage on a human drama at a national and/or international level. The award shall be granted annually on the 1st of August in New York City, USA. Pending a vote, the cash price which shall accompany the award shall take place in the forthcoming week. The first award shall be given and announced publicly on August 1, 2022.
Dr. Jinane Chaker Sultani Milleli has received from FAMSPA, New York and The Editorial Board of Stars Illustrated magazine, New York, the award of “Writer of the best article on Lebanon Civil War 2021”.
Dr. Milleli’s article in its entirety and related commentaries shall be published in the Extra Edition-September Issue of Stars Illustrated magazine, New York.
Le Liban d’hier à demain par Nawaf Salam
Zeina Saleh Kayali
Lecture 79 : Ketty Rouf, Mère absolument
Gisèle Kayata Eid
Brigitte Labbé et les Goûters philo
Zeina Saleh Kayali
« Profession Bonniche », la romance pour dire l'indicible
Lecture 78 : Atlas du Moyen-Orient, Pierre Blanc et Jean-Paul Chagnollaud
Gisèle Kayata Eid
Ouvrages rangés, à déranger : Le choix de Charif Majdalani
Lecture 77 : Vent du Nord, Antoine Daher
Gisèle Kayata Eid
Ouvrages rangés, à déranger : Le choix de Michèle Gharios
Ouvrages rangés, à déranger : Le choix de Bruno Tabbal
Lecture 75 : Triste Tigre, Neige Sinno
Gisèle Kayata Eid